Monday, July 20, 2009

Attack of the Brain Dead Know Nothings.

I was amazed to find this morning that my hits went from about 84 over the weekend to over 400 this morning. How could that be? I look at stat counter "recent came from" and found a search engine blog sort of thing were no nothings make little comments about things they don't understand, one caleld "read it" were another illiterate atheist who knows nothing at all about science, logic, philosophy, or thought chimes in with his two cents worth of ignorance agasint a preice I posted called "the Religious A priori."

The piece they are so outraged over is saying that things fall through the cracks in science and some issues are not scientific issues. God is not a scientific issue. So what's so alarming and scary? But It must strike a never. Someone just ent a hate male saying "anyone who claims to understand this stuff is insane." So I'm just being attack by vermin who know nothing and who are outraged because I have knowledge they don't have.

Powers 1 point2 points 1 hour ago[-]

The challenges are absorbed into the paradigm untl there are so many the paradigm has to shit. This may never happen in naturalism.

I spat my tea all over my laptop...

stargazer202 [S] 2 points3 points 4 hours ago[-]

Joe Hinman of the aptly named Metacrock's Blog for his post THE RELIGIOUS A PRIORI. If you can make any sense of this rambling nonsense let me know (or better yet, get a psych evaluation).

If you know of any other blog posts in religious apologetics you think top this one for sheer ridiculousness feel free to post a link.

So what is ridiculous about this. Well first he's saying that there is paradigm shift in naturism. Naturism is a philosophy it is not a science. Science is what naturalists enjoy reading. Naturism is not a science like biology,cosmology, physics, ect. it's a philosophy. it' s way of organizing people's ideas about the world, in this case it tends to be organizing ideas by people who like reading science stuff. Look at the way this jackass expresses his understanding "the paradigm has to shit." I am so impressed with his grade school humor. I can say dirty rods, I'm cool!

Paradigm shifts happen in all sciences. By denying this this little ignorant know nothing is telling us how stupid he is. To say garbage he must have no knowledge of Thomas Kuhn or any of the theories spinning off from Kuhn' work. Of course Kuhn is known to all major people involved in science, he is highly respected, considered a great thinking, it's the height of stupidity not to know this. To say this illiterate fool is saying requires lack of a major education, lack of an advanced degree, and the lack of having read any major book in science.

Any major reference work will tell you that Kuhn is one of the major thinkers of the 20th Century. Of course he's the one I'm quoting in talking about the paradigm shift. So when these unread illiterate buffoons display their stupidity they are bucking common knowledge that can be found almost anywhere.

Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) became one of the most influential philosophers of science of the twentieth century, perhaps the most influential—his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is one of the most cited academic books of all time. His contribution to the philosophy science marked not only a break with several key positivist doctrines but also inaugurated a new style of philosophy of science that brought it much closer to the history of science. His account of the development of science held that science enjoys periods of stable growth punctuated by revisionary revolutions, to which he added the controversial ‘incommensurability thesis’, that theories from differing periods suffer from certain deep kinds of failure of comparability.

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | 2008 | The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright 2008 Columbia University Press. (Hide copyright information) Copyright

Thomas Samuel Kuhn 1922-96, American philosopher and historian of science, b. Cincinnati, Ohio. He trained as a physicist at Harvard (Ph.D. 1949), where he taught the history of science from 1948 to 1956. He subsequently taught at the Univ. of California, Berkeley (until 1964), Princeton (until 1979), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (until 1991). In his highly influential work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), Kuhn distinguished between normal science and revolutionary science. In normal science, researchers operating within a particular "paradigm," i.e., Ptolemaic astronomy, engage in activity that involves solving problems related to the paradigm. In revolutionary science, which occurs rarely, researchers abandon one paradigm, i.e. Ptolemaic astronomy, and embrace another, i.e., Copernican astronomy. Kuhn held the abandoned paradigm and the embraced

Read entire entry

Thomas Samuel Kuhn 1922-96, American philosopher and historian of science, b. Cincinnati, Ohio. He trained as a physicist at Harvard (Ph.D. 1949), where he taught the history of science from 1948 to 1956. He subsequently taught at the Univ. of California, Berkeley (until 1964), Princeton (until 1979), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (until 1991). In his highly influential work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), Kuhn distinguished between normal science and revolutionary science. In normal science, researchers operating within a particular "paradigm," i.e., Ptolemaic astronomy, engage in activity that involves solving problems related to the paradigm. In revolutionary science, which occurs rarely, researchers abandon one paradigm, i.e. Ptolemaic astronomy, and embrace another, i.e., Copernican astronomy. Kuhn held the abandoned paradigm and the embraced one to be "incommensurable" with one another such that the fundamental concepts of one cannot be rendered by the terms of the other. The jump from one paradigm to another, he argued, has a sociological explanation, but no strictly rational justification. Kuhn's other works include The Copernican Revolution (1957) and The Essential Tension (1977).

Is Kuhn right? Some think so some think not. Why does that make me an idiot and the things I say in blog so amazingly stupid just because I happen to think those who agree that he wa right got it right? But these cow turds making their childish comments know nothing. They are not evacuated. they think about anything. they don't know anything. they are nothing but little bullies conducting a lynching because they despise knowledge. This is what we see more and more with the rise the the new stupidity, I mean atheism. Pseudo cave men fearful of things they don't understanding running about mocking and ridiculing everything that's over their silly little empty heads.

The little brain dead non thinkers go on:

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stargazer202 [S] 1 point2 points3 points 42 minutes ago* [+] (0 children)

stargazer202 [S] 1 point2 points3 points 42 minutes ago* [-]

The problem isn't that his argument is too complex. Its really, when you look past the clumsy wording and overuse of jargon, quite simple ---and not an argument at all but a list of assertions, central to which is the idea:

there are other ways of knowing than science/empirical evidence and religion is known by one of these methods.

Most of the premises in his "argument" are just different ways of stating that claim.

Premise 1 (which fuf stated far more clearly above as "the existence of qualia,subjective phenomena, the "redness" of red, cannot be reduced to their physical causes") isn't even relevant to his argument. Premise 2 is just the claim that we have other ways of knowing than empirical evidence (which is true, mathematics as one example, but it doesn't follow that the truth of any particular religion is in this category). And, to top it off, Premise 3 simply asserts what he's setting out to show:

That religion involves a non-empirical form of knowing.

Its, when you tease the meaning from its poorly worded premises and conclusion, just an example of circular reasoning and assertion in place of an actual argument.

And he has plenty of other arguments on his blog, some of which are probably even worse.

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what these people know about logic and thinking could be written large on the bum of a fly. Pimple faced high school drug addicts paying their little trolls games and attacks ideas that are too good for them and that they will never understand. Is their witting dos great. this this innate little piece of shit deserve the Pulitzer for his trolls crap?

These people are nothing. they simply noting at all. the fools have raised my hit rate five times what it was with their little dumb fuck Penny Henckly nonsense. They deserve to burn in hell. but the pity of it is I am so much better than them i don't believe in hell. I wouldn't send them there if I could. But I have no doubt they would hesitate to kill me. This is what we are degenerating into because we have abandoned God, which means we abandon decency and learning.

the march of the ignorant lynch mob persecuting a real thinker because they are so fucking stupid they know good ideas when they are hit in the fact with them. There's no way to get through to shit for brains like this. they are write offs.

I didn't do anything to them. Totally unprovoked just because they have nothing better to do than play their mindless obscenities. useless, unlearned, unread, scum louts.

what right does these pieces of shit have to judge me? They don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about. they don't have the sliest idea because they have read a single book about anything. They get all of what passes for "knowledge" (the slop in their little pea brains) from atheist websites. that means all they know is a bunch of little misconceptions and lies based upon the propaganda of people as stupid as themselves.

they little trolls have no right to judge my arguments, or those of anyone who has been to graduate school and worked to study and learn and move higher than his previous level of knowledge (that's a foreign concept to these scum bags).

Norman Mailer said "Great men are attacked all the time. It happens every day. someone is always attacking. If you want to be more than you are count on being the target of a bunch of know nothing miscreants."

I know more than you do fools I have a read education. shut the fuck up.

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