Local Atheist Discussion Club
The Atheist Camel 1/15/10
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Where are the Atheist Hate Groups?
Someone calling him/herself (?) "Dromedary Hump" posts this:
- Dromedary Hump
- a lifelong activist in the culture war between theist demagoguery and freethinkers, and frequent outspoken contributor and guest columnist to various newspapers and periodicals. He is the co-creator of the celebrated post rapture pet rescue website Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA. A New York native, he now lives in New Hampshire with his saintly and much-put-upon Episcopal wife of thirty-nine years and two atheist dogs.
Question: What do these groups have in common?
Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church (homophobic hate group); the Christian Identity Movement (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); KKK (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Neo-Nazis / Aryan Nation / Skinheads (anti-Semitic / anti-Black); Phineas Priesthood (anti- race mixing/ anti-Semitic); Army of God (abortion dr. murderers / clinic bombers); Institute for Historic Review (anti-Semitic / Holocaust deniers).
Answer: They are all Jesus worshipping hate groups. Each inculcates “Christian values” within their group. Each holds the Bible to be the inerrant “Word of God”. Each justifies their hate, violence, discrimination and terror using the scripture. Each recognizes Jesus as their god and savior.
And these are just a sampling. There are many other Christian groups like these whose ignorance, hatred and intolerance cause death, destruction, fear, and intimidation in this country, in this day and age.
Liberal Christians will claim these people are “not True Christians”; that they misuse the scripture for their nefarious purposes; that the hate they profess is not supported by the bible. But they are mistaken, or in denial. They love Jesus, and accept him as their savior. Acts do not determine salvation … belief does. That’s the Christian doctrine.
What he says here directly contradicts the way Jesus told us to look at it. "Acts do not determine Salvation, beliefs do, that's Christian doctrine." He's assertion that all who say "Lord Lord" have salvation Jesus told us in the parable of the sheep and the goats that's not true. Jesus said their would be tears with the wheat, wolves in sheep's clothing, he said a tree is judged by its fruit. Not that works save you, yes that is doctrine, but this DH guy is perverting the doctrine by twisting what it says. Jesus said actions are a sign of intent, that's what the fruit thing means, not doing works saves you but it is an indication of what you are really believe. "A tree is known by its fruit." DH loses the distinction between the agency of salvation and sign of having been saved. It's as hes' saying 'I it something to do with works and not working I don't it's all stupid."he can't be bothered to ge it right.
Now, one doesn’t have to be Christian to be a hate group. The Muslims have plenty, and they cause thousands of deaths. But these Christian hate groups are our own home grown, flag waving, God fearing Americans. Oh, I’d love to say they “aren’t True Americans”, but by birth and by our constitution they are.
Irony meter running.
There aren't any! so becasue no athist group is stupid to say "let's have a hate group" then there aren't any. Guess what man, DH is running a hate group. It's obvious anyone with half a brain can see that. Look how he:
I did a search for “atheist hate groups”. Guess what… there aren’t any. Free Thinkers, those Godless heathens, don’t band together and picket gay funerals or bomb abortion clinics. They don’t create/join groups that burn down African American churches, paint swastikas on synagogues, or threaten to kill minorities and presidential candidates and claim it to be the will of some unseen entity. To do those things one seems to need a belief in God.
(1) lumps all Christians togather
(2) can't acknowledge a single good thing any Christians have done
(3) twists points of doctirne to make all Christians seem the same
(4) Fumes and fusses and derides everything connected with Christianity.
Last question: Why is that?
But course this is laughable I would be doubled over if it wasn't also so pathetic. The Irony meters are all busted as result of this supreme irony becuase in writing this this person makes himself/herself a part of the hate group mentality, and thus answers his/her own question: the atheist hate group is in front of your face, anytime atheist resort to mocking and ridicule which is almost all the time for some (with proper caveats for all friendly atheists).
get this: a guy called "Reverend Donald Spitz" (Ima Hooker, right) sends a comment that is an atheist shill if every I've heard one (considering Christian miniter has Jewish name). So Hummpy says:
DromedaryHump said... Thanks for your input, Rev (heheh "Rev."). But, actually, donald, real world fact and statistics prove otherwise... and thus attest to your ignorance.
This blog deals with fact and reality, Donald...to that end:
From a historic perspective, religion far exceeds any secular causes for inhumanity toward mankind. The history of theist murder, war, genocide, persecution and destruction are legion. But if you read, you know this.
He's so delighted with his witty little wit that to point out how clever he is, and he is so taken with calling a Reverend Rev. woe! I bet he would be floored by the Chicken crossing the road.
Of course the ahistorical ranting and raving about "religious murder" makes he think he's never heard of world war II or communism. Communist murered 100 million people, atheists murdered 100 million people. That's more than died in all war prior to the 20th century. WWII cannot be construed as caused by religious considerations of any kind, nor can WWI. Both of these wars were inflamed by communists and occultist concerns (Nazi) but they did not have religious causes at all but where economic or dealt with the balance of power (geopolitical). There were not 100 million people on earth when most reglious wars took place. Add to that 100 million the millions who died in WWII and WWI.
Latter in answering another fake letter Humppy says:
You seemed to have failed to address the question of why they are virtually all Christian hate organizations. Infact, I wouldnt be surpirsed if you are a member of one of them, eh? Lemme guess...
there donald...doesn't that feel better? November 1, 2008 8:57 PM
that old Irony meter is just spinning like a weather vein. How much more do we have to quote to understand that this website is dripping with hate, that Humppy has no intention of ever thinking fairly but has a large gaping wound perhaps caused by a religious person or not, but is trying to heal that wound by inflicting similar wounds on other people? There's no way to even post a comment, even there is a link it doesn't work. So this guy is ot concerned with answers, not concentrated truth or fairness or thinking. As a super irony wants others to read a book but of course i truly doubt he has read one himself.
It's clear this is an atheist hate group. In even asking the question he sets up the answer that he's part of the atheist hate group. This is just one site but I can point thousands of them. They are everywhere. I want to develop some form of scale to measure what percentage of atheism is actually the hate group. It looks like on the net anyway over 60%.
That's a good question. Where are the rational atheist sties that don't call religious people fools or idiots and don't try to say that all religious organizations are on a par with the KKK, just rationally and fairly with intellectual issues? How many an we find? Can we find any?
that's silly and hateful.n You are obviously not prepared to discuss seriously you try to reduce all of religion to just the small examples of evil and totally ignore the vast majority of things religious people have done, then you are just a perfect example of hate group.
the extremists in the hate group work up their little brian washed meninges to a frenzy so that they can't see their noses in front of their faces then religions just become object of evil, the evil "other" the "enemy" the bad guys those we must destroy you are blind to the good that it's done.
what is the point of trying to talk with someone like that someone so deeply brainwashed they can't remember that Christianity has done a huge amount of good.
the red cross invented by Christians
hospitals invented by Christians
all manor of charity groups
civil rights movement
the abolition movement
woman's suffrage movement
Peasant revolts in Germany
in every age for every act of evil there have some Christians who stood up against it.
Christianity and Western Civilization:
http://www.doxa.ws/Theology/civ.html _____
Christianity as a force for liberation!
The difference here is that he can point to actual, organized hate groups which identify themselves as "Christian". I agree they aren't "good" Christians, they certainly don't represent all Christians, but you can't deny that they identify themselves as Christians.
You can't do the same with atheists.
I also don't see where he's saying "all Christians are like this." In fact, if you look at the picture accompanying the post you'll get a very different message; it's Jesus with his face in his hand asking "why are so many of my followers such idiots?"...looks to me like an acknowledgement that such hate is inconsistent with Christ's message.
Even if this guy is being snarky and rude what he's saying doesn't come close to the hate being spewed by the groups he's attacking. I would have thought even you could see the difference.
Let's be serious here; can you identify a single organized atheist group in North America that has committed the kinds of hateful acts attributed to the "Army of God" or the "Christian Identity Movement" or the "Phineas Priesthood?" Look those last guys up...
Meanwhile you're still promoting links in your blogroll which equate atheism with Stalinism and Nazism, so frankly it's the height of hypocrisy for you to take offense at someone for doing to a lesser degree what you yourself are doing here.
"in every age for every act of evil there have some Christians who stood up against it."
And other Christians who have perpetrated it.
The difference here is that he can point to actual, organized hate groups which identify themselves as "Christian". I agree they aren't "good" Christians, they certainly don't represent all Christians, but you can't deny that they identify themselves as Christians.
I actually have found evidence of an atheist hate group, KKK skinhead types making an atheist group. I didn't bother to dig it out because it's so small and I also doubt their motives. I wonder if they really even give a damn about the God/atheism question as long as they to hate people they just see this as another front opened up for hate. sort of a hate store front in a new neighborhood.
Anyway, atheism as a hole on the net is so laden with hate that it really functions as a hate group even if the majority of its members don't want to be one.
It just keeps working up the frenzy against believers.
You can't do the same with atheists.
can; just did
I also don't see where he's saying "all Christians are like this." In fact, if you look at the picture accompanying the post you'll get a very different message; it's Jesus with his face in his hand asking "why are so many of my followers such idiots?"...looks to me like an acknowledgement that such hate is inconsistent with Christ's message.
that is no evidence at all that he likes Jesus or that he sees any good in Christians, it's must mocking, Jesus doesn't like Christians you are idiots. more hateful mocking. you want to say that yourself you probably have even thought how hateful it is.
Your argument here makes no since given his arguments that if anyone in Christianity does this all are guilty of it. He argued clearly when he says the doctrine of Christianity says anyone who believes is saved therefore all the kKK guys are really Christians, also means all other "real" Christians are tainted by the KKK guys.
The fact that he argues that totally eliminates your argument, especially since he says nothing to negate it.
Even if this guy is being snarky and rude what he's saying doesn't come close to the hate being spewed by the groups he's attacking. I would have thought even you could see the difference.
so what? still hate. didn't say atheist hate group is the worst in the world. Is that your new level of excellence now, if we are not worst everything is ok?
Let's be serious here; can you identify a single organized atheist group in North America that has committed the kinds of hateful acts attributed to the "Army of God" or the "Christian Identity Movement" or the "Phineas Priesthood?" Look those last guys up...
i don't have to. I never said they as far gone that is not an excuse to let them continue. I have gotten hate mail with veiled threats. Some not so veiled. They don't have to be as bad to be bad, and I have always said they are jp to stage four. They have not gone beyond stage four yet. I think that's because they are on the net. They get their venting out on the net anonymously. They also keep nursing their hate because they are on the net.
Meanwhile you're still promoting links in your blogroll which equate atheism with Stalinism and Nazism, so frankly it's the height of hypocrisy for you to take offense at someone for doing to a lesser degree what you yourself are doing here.
so? more attempts to control and manipulate. more guilt by association more intimidation by PC crowd. you ought to know by know I don't respond to that. I control the blog not you.
I tired accommodate your sensibilities about links once before when the time came you stabbed me in the back.
"in every age for every act of evil there have some Christians who stood up against it."
And other Christians who have perpetrated it.
sorry you are an essentialist. you are a hypcorite because for things you disagree with the are evil essence and their essence rubs off on anyone who gets near them So the evil essence of Christianity taints all Christians for all times. But the murdering pieces of shit in communism who were atheists you just dismiss and ignore and the ranting and raving hate group on the net you dismiss as just "they are just doing a prank, they are so funny, they not serious."
It's amazing how you continually attribute (falsely) to me the attitudes which you are yourself displaying by maintaining this hate blog...
Please tell me how what you are doing here is any different from what you are accusing The Atheist Camel of?
that's so typically PC. you don't fit what I want to say so I'm going to label you as part of th problem and balme you for making the problem known.
so American. Blame the fiction. you are exposing hate so you must be full of hate too. That poor little camel guy he's so understanding and kind here evil old Christian is beating up on him by exposing his politically correct hate.
"that's so typically PC. you don't fit what I want to say so I'm going to label you as part of th problem and balme you for making the problem known."
motes and beams, buddy. This is exactly what YOU are doing to ME here.
"so American."
I'm a Canuck, remember? ;-)
"Blame the fiction. you are exposing hate so you must be full of hate too. That poor little camel guy he's so understanding and kind here evil old Christian is beating up on him by exposing his politically correct hate."
But HE'S the one exposing the hate, isn't he? Do you think groups like the Phineas Priesthood should be ignored? Why get angry at him for doing the same thing YOU claim to be doing here?
no he is not exposing hate. He's labeling kind gentle loving people who want to help people as being lumped in with hate groups becuase his thinking is fallacious, he can't reason, he doesn't give a damn about truth and he's trying to hurt religious people because he despises them.
I supposed being told that your views are very American should be an extra stingie insult right?
I guess I just don't understand why you always seem to be more upset with atheists who point out the existence of these self-identified "Christian" hate groups than you are with the hate groups themselves; aren't they the ones who are perverting the Christin message? Why is your anger reserved for those who are offended by their racism, bigotry and hate?
how can anyone with a half a brain not see how brimming with hate that is?
"no he is not exposing hate. He's labeling kind gentle loving people who want to help people as being lumped in with hate groups becuase his thinking is fallacious"
You don't think those groups are hateful? THEY aren't kind loving people, so why are YOU choosing to take his denunciation of THEM as a an attack on YOU?
"how can anyone with a half a brain not see how brimming with hate that is?"
If it's "brimming with hate" that hate is clearly directed at the likes of Fred Phelps. Sorry, but I really don't have a problem with that, and I don't see why you should either.
Of course, you are still promoting the "God's Hate List" people here on your own little hatefest, so I have to wonder where your sympathies really lie...;-)
You don't think those groups are hateful? THEY aren't kind loving people, so why are YOU choosing to take his denunciation of THEM as a an attack on YOU?[/quote]
you don't know how to read? He's saying all christians groups are like those. He's saying because those groups are "christian" then all Christians are that way. Do you not understand why he put in the thing about the reverse scottsman? why would he have that if wasn't saying that?
"how can anyone with a half a brain not see how brimming with hate that is?"
If it's "brimming with hate" that hate is clearly directed at the likes of Fred Phelps. Sorry, but I really don't have a problem with that, and I don't see why you should either.
but then he has the clause linking their evilness to all Christianity.
Of course, you are still promoting the "God's Hate List" people here on your own little hatefest, so I have to wonder where your sympathies really lie...;-)
of cousre you are still blaming the victim. To say "I was robbed is to rob right? you are robbing those poor innocent thugs by reporting how they robbed you.
watch this Hermie
"Liberal Christians will claim these people are “not True Christians”; that they misuse the scripture for their nefarious purposes; that the hate they profess is not supported by the bible. But they are mistaken, or in denial. They love Jesus, and accept him as their savior. Acts do not determine salvation … belief does. That’s the Christian doctrine."
If the hate groups are not "false Christians" the liberals are wrong to say that, then that means they are true Christians. if they are are true Christians then he must believe true Christians are a hate group.
that is the inescapable logic of his statement. then he says "they love Jesus, the other guys love Jesus" what else could that possibly mean bu that if you say you love Jesus then you are just like the KKK>
try facing logic for a change.
What he's saying there is that they are, by definition, Christians. They identify themselves as Christians and they accept and teach the divinity of Christ. You can say they aren't GOOD Christians, or heretical Christians, or that they are twisting Christianity, or they misunderstand it and so on, but you can't deny they are Christians. Like the 9/11 hijackers were Muslims. Bad Muslims, heretical Muslims, etc, but undeniably Muslims.
And you're avoiding my question (again); how is what you do on this blog any different from what he's doing on his? When you post a picture of a Nazi rally and label it "Local Atheist Discussion Club" aren't you inferring that all atheists are Nazis?
Motes and beams...
how can anyone with a half a brain not see how brimming with hate that is?
John Lennon's Imagine must be brimming with hate too.
HErmit I can't believe you are so dishonest. if anything in this world is hate it's that guy's thing. you are blink you are totally blind.
he's clearly trying to tar all Christianity with those guys. He's saying if there are evil Christians anywhere hen all of Christianity is evil. you can't be honest and face what he's saying just speaks volumes about the hypocrisy of atheism.
anyone who knows anything about the Klan knows that it's not christian. They have churchy members on the local level who are not part of their leader ship but does not occur to you that they have ranks like "gran wizard" for a reason? there are no Wizards in the chruch are there? Or Klegals. why do they have a Grand Klegal?
do you know they have their own chaplains to preach their version of theology? why don't they read C.S. Lewis? Because they have a theology that is not Christianity it's based upon ancinet celetic magic.
why do you think they call it "Klan?" ever wonder about that?
The difference in what he's doing and what I'm doing is that I am not saying all atheists are like this.
I am not syaing "let's hate atheists." he is saying "all Christians are evil adn stupid and let's hate them.
I have always gone to pains to differentiate myself from the idea that all atheist are a hate group. you an find me saying all over the place.
you are a liar and blind. you have always lied about that. you have never acknowledged that I say that.
Imagine doesn't put it with such hate or zest. Imagine doesn't say "all Christians are idiots an liars and fools and hurt people."
calling my beliefs "sky fairies" is saying I'm an idiot. that it exactly what it's doing. It's extremely hurtful. it hurts me. and I know he does that because he wants to hurt me. he wants to hart my grandmother. he's call by grandmother an idiot.
Lennon didn't try to make it sound like Christians are all idiots and all mean spirited.
The kind of vitriol spewed at Christians by some atheists is nearly identical to the vitriol you spew at atheists here. Neither of you are members of hate groups. When you find an atheist group that advocates and or acts out violence against Christians let me know, until then, this site is waste. You have so many good things to offer, focus on them and not on this fruitless atheist bashing.
how many times do I have to point out they are at stage four.
there was group in San Fransisco who were busted for plotting to burn a chruch. Ok so that's one group but the point is it's shaping into one.
you don't great treated anywhere near as badly on a christian broad as Christians do on an atheist board.
It's funny because I know a lot of Christians who interact perfectly well with Atheists, then again I don't read the rabid boards you do, and I also don't go on tirades like you do.
So you think that the KKK isn't really a Christian organization because the KKKers give themselves goofy titles?
Metacrock, do you know what the Pope's title is? Pontifex Maximus, what the pagan Roman high priests had called themselves. And look at the way that the Pope and other Catholic leaders dress -- they seem almost like drag queens. So Catholicism is at least as bad as the KKK on that front.
By comparison, Richard Dawkins dresses in "normal" clothes.
I also suggest that you go to http://www.kkk.bz/ and check on the KKK's beliefs. "Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America!"
are you really that ignroant Loren? I'm not saying they aren't Christian because they hav e wired title, don't understand what they mean you are that incarnate?
wizard is one who does magic. that is outlawed by by Bible. not christian!
Celegal is magic title from Celtic mythology, very very very pagan. not Christian get it?
read, learn, study.
Klan refers to Celtic tribal identity.
It's funny because I know a lot of Christians who interact perfectly well with Atheists, then again I don't read the rabid boards you do, and I also don't go on tirades like you do.
It's really odd how even rational people like you are so paranoid and unable to view things critically when their own interests aer in the way.
why is it a tiraid? hmmm? I'm trying show the public what is happening in a certain segment of society that threatens the peace and well being of the community. but somehow that maks me an vil hate monger.
why is pointing out what people are doing to hurt me so very verong wong? why why is being a victim of other people's hate so evil of me to do? did I ask them to mock and ridicule me? did I ask them to destroy my tiem on message baorsds and to make my experince of discussion about God hell?
Just how is it that pointing out their hate and their attacks the things do to innocent people is so very very wrong?
they are so obviosy filled with hate you refuse to even see it yet it's right there, it' sso bleeding obvious!
now you were a Christian, when you were one did you think of yourslef as a racist? did you tyhink "I am in the KKK because they are Christian group? did YOU?"
"HErmit I can't believe you are so dishonest"
who's being dishonest? You blast this guy for doing the same thing you do here...he's certainly less hateful than some of the people you link to.
SO why is it hate when HE does it, bit not when YOU do it?
"now you were a Christian, when you were one did you think of yourslef as a racist? did you tyhink "I am in the KKK because they are Christian group? did YOU?"
Of course not, but I did recognize that not all Christians believe the same things, and that some of them actually believe some very nasty things.
"HErmit I can't believe you are so dishonest"
who's being dishonest? You blast this guy for doing the same thing you do here...he's certainly less hateful than some of the people you link to.
SO why is it hate when HE does it, bit not when YOU do it?
"now you were a Christian, when you were one did you think of yourslef as a racist? did you tyhink "I am in the KKK because they are Christian group? did YOU?"
Of course not, but I did recognize that not all Christians believe the same things, and that some of them actually believe some very nasty things.
those are all ridiculous statements. The only reason you can't see how brimming over with hate he is is becuase you are brainwashed by atheism.
"You blast this guy for doing the same thing you do here"
that's one of the reasons I banned you because you are just here to fuck the blog over. you dojn't even try to acknowledge when I strive be fair, you continually pretend that I don't. you think that warning the public about hateful people is the same as being hateful and that is a damnable lie and it's stupid and stinks of an attempt to fuck things up.
"It's really odd how even rational people like you are so paranoid and unable to view things critically when their own interests aer in the way."
I read this multiple times, because I thought surely you must be talking about yourself. How on earth am I paranoid? I don't imagine hate groups.
I'm not referring to this post when I say tirade, and come to think of it, "tantrum" is a better word. You've put up posts and later deleted them because you regretted posting them. Hell, something in you made you take down this whole blog at one time, I'd like to think you did that because you knew how wrong it was to attack people the way you do.
"did I ask them to mock and ridicule me? did I ask them to destroy my tiem on message baorsds and to make my experince of discussion about God hell?"
Every time you go to boards like CARM, yes you are asking for these things. That's like knowingly walking into the darkest, most corrupt and violent neighborhood and then wondering why you got mugged.
How Christ-like of you. That is the kind of stuff I am talking about.
By the way, you argue against sky fairy/old man in the sky god concepts too.
It's sad when people like Ray Comfort and Dan of Debunking Atheists, two guys who don't even come close to your intellect and training, can conduct themselves without flailing around with ad hominum attacks, but you can't.
You're not attacking Pharisees here, you're not overturning the tables of the money changers, and you sure as hell aren't loving your enemies. So please tell me exactly what is Christ-like about what you do here.
"It's really odd how even rational people like you are so paranoid and unable to view things critically when their own interests aer in the way."
I read this multiple times, because I thought surely you must be talking about yourself. How on earth am I paranoid? I don't imagine hate groups.
I was talking to Hermit
I'm not referring to this post when I say tirade, and come to think of it, "tantrum" is a better word. You've put up posts and later deleted them because you regretted posting them. Hell, something in you made you take down this whole blog at one time, I'd like to think you did that because you knew how wrong it was to attack people the way you do.
that's ridiculous. I have said noting in my post about atheist camel that needs repealing. It's a prefectly rational post about an idiot who is using hate to feel superior and I did not say anything that uses hate myself and he deserves all the criticisms.
you are being really being absurd to try and push this lunacy that I"m somehow throwing a "tantrum" against someone who is breaking fucking fire against every single christian and trying to brand Christianity as full of hate groups.
are your parents in the Klan? why doesn't that make you angry, you still know Christians who I assume you don't hate, why doesn't it make you angry that guy lumps them in with the klan?
"did I ask them to mock and ridicule me? did I ask them to destroy my tiem on message baorsds and to make my experince of discussion about God hell?"
Every time you go to boards like CARM, yes you are asking for these things. That's like knowingly walking into the darkest, most corrupt and violent neighborhood and then wondering why you got mugged.
that's crazy! CARM is ran by Christians and they have a moderated board that seeks to keep those things to a minim. I have every right to expect a fair discussion over there.
How Christ-like of you. That is the kind of stuff I am talking about.
I am sick of that guy telling me that I never distinguish between whatsits who aren't hateful and those who are, when I always do> do it ever singe time and he has not ever never never never never recognized it.
By the way, you argue against sky fairy/old man in the sky god concepts too.
I don't see what that had to do with anything.
It's sad when people like Ray Comfort and Dan of Debunking Atheists, two guys who don't even come close to your intellect and training, can conduct themselves without flailing around with ad hominum attacks, but you can't.
they are kept secure from constant ridicule. they don't have to deal with Arizona atheist they don't have to deal with Hermit always there to tell them every single thing they do is wrong. they are shielded form their critics.
You're not attacking Pharisees here, you're not overturning the tables of the money changers, and you sure as hell aren't loving your enemies. So please tell me exactly what is Christ-like about what you do here.
I'm not trying to crush your ego. I could be a hell of a lot more hurtful if I wanted to be. I have tried to be nice and civil and friendly to Loren. I could just broad side her and show the fallacies in her logic in cruel and ugly ways and I hold back on that every single time. I try to cultivate an atmosphere of acceptance of her.
I first took off the links Hermit didn't like because I didn't wnat to offend him. then he turned around and stabbled me in the back by helping the guys on CARM moack and ridicule and in a certain fight that was especially unfair to me. So I banned him. Then I decided to lift the ban because I could see it hurt his feelings. But he doesn't care, he's just doing to fuck up the blog, he doesn't really care one way or the other about the issues, he's just trying to take up my time and through a wrench in the works.
As I look around the net I"m attacked all the time by people who don't have the sliest idea what I'm talking about. Things that I prized highly because I learned them from brilliant professors who am blessed to studied with I find mocked and ridiculed on websites by people who don't have the slighest idea who said them or why they are good or what they mean, merely because I said them. That's so unfair.
I lost every thing I ever wored for or cared about, my home, my career and all I have left is this sham this carp that can't ever be anything like what I wanted as a scholar and a thnker. then imeciiles who know nothying, nothing nothing nothing nothing ever been to graduate school have no idea what they are talking about just every god damn day telling me I'm a fool for believing this that and the other things that I learned at a huge cost in tmie and effort and taught by great mean who should be revered bu these mindless illiterates have no respect at all for anyone great.
I don't ask these guys t comment. I didn't put up this blog so little middle school kids can say "get a life." I should have some just tiny little centiliter of respect for the minuscule bit I accomplished. but time after time i find people ragging my stuff over the coals when they don't understand shit about it. they are doing only because I'm a christian then they not the sliest idea what they are talking about, that's what I get instead of a career as a scholar.
why should I not be angry?
this ludicrous pretense that's there's soemthing wrong with what I"m going. the atheist must know its' having an impact because you are coming against it so hard. it must be doing something. you feel you have to shut it down.
Ok, Joe, it's clear you believe what you believe, so go on. I'll try to stay away.
One thing I do want to comment on is this:
Regarding Ray Comfort and Dan of Debunking Atheists:
"they are kept secure from constant ridicule. they don't have to deal with Arizona atheist they don't have to deal with Hermit always there to tell them every single thing they do is wrong. they are shielded form their critics."
They are mercilessly ridiculed, Ray Comfort is the laughing stock of the internet. They are hardly kept safe. You should be happy you don't know the ridicule they do.
I know comfort and those guys are ridiculed, well they should be. But they don't have to deal with it personally. They don't get message board postings that hey see themselves. They probably never hear about it, they probably have people to make sure they don't have to hear about it.
Your "attempts to be fair" Joe are just empty window dressing. They are like the bigot who claims that some of his "best friends" are black or Jewish etc.
As long as you are posting pictures of Nazis and labeling them "atheist meeting" (where's your disclaimer there?) and linking to the hateful sites you promote on you blogroll then you're disclaimers are meaningless. You're not trying to be fair, you are trying to cover your as and soothe your conscience.
I honestly don;t see anything on that atheist site that's any worse than what you do here; you are reading more into it than is actually there and using it to justify your own bigotry. If that makes n me a "lying pus wad' in your opinion than I guess I don't have mu8ch use for your opinion.
Your "attempts to be fair" Joe are just empty window dressing. They are like the bigot who claims that some of his "best friends" are black or Jewish etc.
so you do think I'm a bigot. you don't think I'm smart or have anything to say worth hearing, you are here to destroy the blog because you see me as a threat to your beloved ideology.
As long as you are posting pictures of Nazis and labeling them "atheist meeting" (where's your disclaimer there?) and linking to the hateful sites you promote on you blogroll then you're disclaimers are meaningless. You're not trying to be fair, you are trying to cover your as and soothe your conscience.
disclaimers are meaningless, then I wont give them anymore, from now on all atheists are a hate group.
so you are here to control the blog just like I thought.
I honestly don;t see anything on that atheist site that's any worse than what you do here;
so ludicrously stupid and hypocritical.
you are reading more into it than is actually there and using it to justify your own bigotry. If that makes n me a "lying pus wad' in your opinion than I guess I don't have mu8ch use for your opinion.
you are admitting that you are here to control. my efforts to be fair you just shit on because you wont be satisfied until it's al your wy compelled and the threat sgone.
I am a threat to your little mind control ideology that's exactly what you are saying.
you need to feel superior to religious people, and I remove that feeling becuase you can't even hold a candle to me intellectually.
so you see me as a threat and you have to destroy the blog.
they are paranoid lunatics who are just filled with fear. the slightest little criticism of anything they think they come unglued and start shouting "hate hate hate hate you are attack our precious little ideology."
Hermit is right about one thing, I do often get carried away and say stuff I don't mean.
I apologize for call him a pus wad that's stupid.
"I first took off the links Hermit didn't like because I didn't wnat to offend him. then he turned around and stabbled me in the back by helping the guys on CARM moack and ridicule and in a certain fight that was especially unfair to me."
That's a despicable lie; I did no such thing.
you sure as hell did. we discussed that. I haven't forgotten it. You are throwing a tantrum because you can't control.
"you sure as hell did."
Prove it. Post a link.
If Hermit did this, I'd like to see the thread. Can someone provide a link?
I've never seen Hermit throw a tantrum.
Surely you don't mean he's thrown a tantrum in these comments on this post. That would be sort of like when kids say "Dad yelled at me!" when their Dad didn't raise his voice once.
you sure as hell did."
Prove it. Post a link.
January 25, 2010 2:24 PM
I don't have to prove anything to you. This is my blog. you dn't tlike it go away.
If Hermit did this, I'd like to see the thread. Can someone provide a link?
I've never seen Hermit throw a tantrum.
Surely you don't mean he's thrown a tantrum in these comments on this post. That would be sort of like when kids say "Dad yelled at me!" when their Dad didn't raise his voice once.
It' enshrined in the archives of CArM> i know he did it that's all that need be. I don't' care if anyone else knows it i do. i know his true colors he is not a friend.
Mike show me one single think I've said in the post, not in the comments when someone attacks me bu tin the post that is hateful. show me how exposing the hate of others is hateful?
"Mike show me one single think I've said in the post, not in the comments when someone attacks me bu tin the post that is hateful. show me how exposing the hate of others is hateful?"
That's exactly my point, I see no difference between this blog and the one you linked to, neither is a hate blog.
And the reason I asked for a link to Hermit's supposed ganging up on you is that you and I can read the same paragraph from him and you see it as a horrendous attack and I see it as a normal paragraph in a discussion.
as I said I can't find it because it's too far back on CARM and that just be too much to look through.
"as I said I can't find it because it's too far back on CARM and that just be too much to look through."
If you can't back it up don't make the accusation. You probably took something the wrong way. You have a habit of reading more into people's comments than are intended...
that's silly. are you really saying that I just forget my own feelings merely because I can't a statement and prove to you whatever? I know you said it, I don't care about proving, I don't have to prove anything to anyone.
Joe, the way one feels and the way something is intended can often be two different things. For example your murderers comment, I took it as an accusation, but you meant it as an example.
You know I've defended Hermit before, because you keep telling me how he's out to tear you down and I just see him as someone who disagrees with you, but finds what you say interesting enough to keep coming back.
Oftentimes I want to make a comment, but find that Hermit has already said something close enough to what I was going to say that it would be redundant for me to post.
No one is saying you didn't feel attacked, but feeling attacked doesn't always mean you have been.
Thanks Mike.
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