Sunday, April 11, 2010

The True Atehsit colors: The Anti-Intellectual Aspect of Hate Group Atheism


a thing from CARM by one of the stupidest peopel I've ever ran into. his screen name is "screename" so very cleaver.

University's need money. They have huge overhead and need to stay profitable. If it means creating degrees in fields that are, well, questionable, many of them will do it. It makes good business sense.

What are some useless degrees, in the sense that they offer little to humanity, or any value to the world?

I submit that Theology is one of those useless degrees. It is popular, because there are so many brainwa... highly suggestive Christians in the world that think they are on to something profound. However, in reality, it is a self-serving field that doesn't honor good thinking in the terms of the proven value of philosophy or science or psychology.


Quote Originally Posted by Username View Post
No, phys. ed. and communications are helpful.

You are gullible if you think Universities exist as pinnacles of human thought and motivation. They regularly offer degrees in fields that offer no more value than the people taking the course and the person teaching the course. Don't be naive. Yes, you can get a degree in poetry and then what? You teach poetry to a bunch of people who want to teach poetry to a bunch of people who want to teach poetry?

Fine, at least that is better than theology: Learn theology to tell people what to think about theology.
 same thread a guy named "striving for accuracy:

Quote Originally Posted by 1TrueDisciple View Post
Using your utilitarian criterion, so are degrees in philosophy, dance, art history, general studies, comparative religions, leisure studies, Latin, communications, physical education, women's studies, art therapy, and poetry to name just a few degrees actually awarded by universities today.

Striving for Accuracy answers 1 true disciple
Yep. Bunch o garbage. Not that these studies have no value, obviously, but as a degree? Nonsense. These are classes to break up your schedule and decorate your degree; make a well rounded person, not something to devote your life to. They are hobbies given status they do not deserve.

what a bunch of know nothing. I've never seen a group of people as egar to destroy thought as these guys. You should be an atheist man.

You know nothing about communication. I was a college debater, all college debate coaches are communications professors. That's the degree you get, public speaking, to teach debate. It's vastly useful. noly someone who hasn't taken any courses woudl think it's not worth a degree.

why does learning have to be "useful" to be valuable? most of science is not useful in a direct way. It's only after a bunch of learning for learning sake happens that we can find stuff make to make use of.

with a communication degree you can run any political campaign at any level, break into advertising or any advertising related field. public relations, teach, and a bunch of other things. Everyone should learn public speaking. Even if you don't' do any speaking it bouts your confidence and spurs new learning and makes you feel better about yourself. It's practically psychotherapy. I bet if those kids who killed all the people at Columbine had taken public speaking they would not have done that. I'm serious, it is well known to work as therapy.

there are a whole bunch of jobs related to it, even journalism or announcing.

Universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton were started by religious people to teach religion. did you not know that? It's not like all these universes just a few years ago said "he let's see what other things we can add to make money, I know religion is big money let's add some religion courses."

do you see what's happened. Atheists sued to be the intellectuals, before the internet. Now they are the scum. they are the uneducated rabble who hate books and learning and want to destroy universities. At least they want to destroy liberal arts everything they not able to do well because they are not bright enough.

Dawkins purposely aimed his appeal at such people because he thought if his movement copied the fundies then it would have success like they did.

Atheism has become an anti-intellectual movement. Theology is one of the most intellectual subjects. but people who don't know anything about have not right to say it's not stupid, because you ar just falling your ignorant gums.

Nuclear science is stupid. I know nothing about it so I'm right no?

how do you think Bullet companies get dancers? do you they just say "Ok anyone thinks they can point their toes come on in?" are you so out of the arts and such philistine that you can't figure out that now days these things are a life long pursuit that start in childhood? so obviously a degree in dance is essential if you want a career in dance. Same with Music.

this is so telling. atheists aer such haters of knowledge and they arts they don't want degrees to be given in music. o your cause is really headed for the top. The vast masses are going to flock to you, Not only do they not want you to have any hope when your kid is dying but they don't want to have good music either.

You sound sound a propo form the Witch on the lion the witch and the wardrobe, always winter and never Christmas.

that can be the official atheist slogan, "vote for Always winter and never Christmas."


tinythinker said...

I would hope everyone who regularly posts here, atheist or not, will agree that the kind of thinking Metacrock is posting about here is ignorant, petty, and dangerous. I cannot believe this is what atheism has come to. I hold that these are a younger and more foolish minority that cannot be allowed to become the "face" of atheism.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

I sure hope you are right Dave.It's so ironic becuase when I was an atheist my being an atheist was connected to reading Bertrand Russell in high school (I read him on my own) and seeing that atheists were in universities and in Liberal arts they represented the intelligentsia of the culture.

Now they seem to be the rabble seeking to shut down knowledge.

All I know about this "Username" is that he works in a business office (figures).

tinythinker said...

I am confident this will be the one post on Atheistwatch where we will all agree. I can't imagine Hermit or Loren defending that kind of anti-intellectual clap-trap.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

I know Loren and Hermit would not. I'm not so sure about Rex!

I'm kidding Rex! I'm kidding. honest! I am! ;-)

see my smiley?

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly on your side on this one Meta, but I think you're being unfair to atheists (surprised?...;-}...)I pointed this out in the comments on your other blog, but it should be noted here too; at least one of the people you're butting heads with there is most emphatically NOT an atheist..."1TrueDisciple" is one of those smug CARM Calvinists. Evidence (as if it were needed) that anti-intellectualism is certainly not unique to some minority of atheists...

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

I thought I pointed that out.

Anonymous said...

"I thought I pointed that out."

But why make this about atheists? The title of this post is "The True Atehsit colors: The Anti-Intellectual Aspect of Hate Group Atheism" but at least half of it is actually directed at someone who thinks atheists like me deserve to burn in is he an example of "ate group atheism?"

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

On he version that appeared on Metacrock's blog i said "I know most atheists don't feel this way."

I just didn't think to put it here,as you see this is mostly rehash form the carm baord.

I'm seriously considering shutting down atheist watch and devoting the time I put in no this to Republican Watch.

At least until the next election.

Anonymous said...

"On he version that appeared on Metacrock's blog i said "I know most atheists don't feel this way."

And as usual the disclaimer is rendered meaningless by the hysterical, hateful title of the post...if you know most atheists don't feel this way then why are you saying this is about "True Atheist colors?"

Do you understand why that sort of thing pisses me off?

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

And as usual the disclaimer is rendered meaningless by the hysterical, hateful title of the post...if you know most atheists don't feel this way then why are you saying this is about "True Atheist colors?"

That's ridiculous I hadn't said anything hysterical in weeks.

tinythinker said...

Why not split the difference and have an "Anti-Intellectual Reactionaries Watch" and specify on the top of the blog that you are not referring to everyone in a group, just those who fit the bill? You could cover hateful idiots from atheism, Islam, Christianity, conservatism -- whatever is current.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

I"m starting an Replication watch blog and I can't wait to see Hermit defend me against some Republican who will all the same things he says about me here. I'm full of hate, that showing their hate is my hate and so forth.

Anonymous said...

"That's ridiculous I hadn't said anything hysterical in weeks."

I was referring to the title of this post; you're asserting that anti-intellectualism is the "True Atheist Colors" even though your argument is also against an anti-intellectual Christian. If not hysterical it's at least dishonest...

"I"m starting an Replication watch blog and I can't wait to see Hermit defend me against some Republican who will all the same things he says about me here. I'm full of hate, that showing their hate is my hate and so forth."

Not being a Republican I doubt I'll be defending them much, but I do hope you'll be fairer to the Republicans than you are to atheists; like I keep telling you it undermines your whole purpose when you lose your cool and go off on, angry, lunatic rants about Nazis...

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

atheists are absurd. since I began posting I have been hounded,ridiculed mocked called names lied about for little thing stat no one should ever have to suffer for like disagreeing with atheists.

atheists your begin unfair to them if you say "they haven't proven their case."

I quote atheists saying "I hate Christians I want to burn their churches" atheist say "you are so full of hate meta" like showing their hate is hateful.

whining babies who can't take their medicine and face up to the responsibility of hwat they say about others.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I posted under the wrong handle again...

Look Meta, you're misrepresenting everything I've been trying to say to you and you know it.

I don't go after you for pointing out actual hateful behaviour, I go after you when you generalize unfairly (like you do with the title of this post) when you call people Nazis and when you behave like an abusive prick on CARM and then run over here to whine and cry about the reaction you get.

"whining babies who can't take their medicine and face up to the responsibility of hwat they say about others."


Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Look Meta, you're misrepresenting everything I've been trying to say to you and you know it.

Nag nag nag

I don't go after you for pointing out actual hateful behaviour, I go after you when you generalize unfairly (like you do with the title of this post) when you call people Nazis and when you behave like an abusive prick on CARM and then run over here to whine and cry about the reaction you get.

You are totally sectarian in your defense of the obviously indefensible. there is a very obvious semiarid between atheism and brown shirts you are just blind to it.

you are good little solider man.

I only am rude on carm when people try to bully me. I stand up for myself and you and other atheists hate that. It ruins the bully boy high you get form ridiculing Christians.

Anonymous said...

"I stand up for myself and you and other atheists hate that. It ruins the bully boy high you get form ridiculing Christians."

When have I ever ridiculed Christians? I dare you to find one actual example you liar.

You're trying to start another fight instead of actually dealing with my question; why did you title this comment the way you did when the people you were arguing with aren't even all atheists?

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

You're trying to start another fight instead of actually dealing with my question; why did you title this comment the way you did when the people you were arguing with aren't even all atheists?

forgot. I meant to point it out and forgot.

Anonymous said...

"forgot. I meant to point it out and forgot."

Really? Where in a title like "The True Atehsit colors: The Anti-Intellectual Aspect of Hate Group Atheism" is there room to mention that you're not just talking about atheists?

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

you are knit picking again. you are always trying to assassinate my character and prove that I'm no good becasue some stupid little thing that you blow out of preportion.

got get your fucking website!

Anonymous said...

"you are knit picking again. you are always trying to assassinate my character and prove that I'm no good becasue some stupid little thing that you blow out of preportion."

No, I'm asking you nicely to please behave responsibly and stop resorting to this sort of overblown language which unfairly, if indirectly, spreads hatred and anger toward people like me.

"got get your fucking website!"

Blues singer Furry Lewis on the Tonight Show was asked by Johnny Carson if he was married. "Why would I get married" replied the 80 year old Lewis "when my neighbour has a perfectly good wife..." ;-)