Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Atheist hate mail

I usually don't bother to post junk hate mail. This guy shows a craving to be noticed because he uses the ploy "you don't have the guts to post this." Meaning, he desperate to be noticed.

So let's look the kind of little ingenious comment comments atheists send all the time.

Sam said...

You Christians are a bunch of funny people.. Your holy book promotes hatred, bigotry, murder, rape, incest and other horrific things. Yet you call it a book of love.. What a croc. God is man made. God is a myth. Just like Zeus or Mythras. I'm an Atheist, yet I never go around saying I would love to kill someone or see someone dead because of their beliefs or lack of. Some of you radical extremist christians do act just like the radical muslims. Only when Religion is removed from this planet, with all its lies and deceit, will we truly have PEACE ON EARTH. God is a fallacy created by man. There is no god, now get over it and enjoy your life.. One more thing, those who don't believe in evolution usually look like they haven't evolved.. =0)

October 4, 2011 6:59 AM

Blogger Sam said...

LOL.. I'll bet anything my comment will not get approved by owner due to what usually happens when the christians and the bibles nonsense is exposed. Enjoy your day. And enjoy THIS life.. It's the only one you will get.. None before and definitely NONE AFTER!!..

October 4, 2011 7:03 AM

As your self fist, did he actually say anything that merits attention? We blather running off at the mouth with slogans and hate minute we have heard thousands of times. It's the typical repetition of slogans and hate speech that can be heard on every message board every day.Nothing there worth giving attention to. NO fact, no proof, no argument, no logic, no documentation. Just a bunch of opinionated bunk it rather ordinary for hate group atheism. He's so desperate to be heard.

He obliviously feels beaten because he's chafing under the weight of Christian oppression. Which is hilarious becasue fundamentalists feel the say way. Both sides are certain they are being oppressed. They are truly book ends. This is just proof that the Dawkies are merely the tails to the fudnies heads. They are both fundamentalists. Oddly enough for someone who is desperate to be heard his bio page is a blank. He wants to be heard but not known.

Your holy book promotes hatred, bigotry, murder, rape, incest and other horrific things. Yet you call it a book of love.. What a croc.
What a shock! I've never heard atheists say that before. Only about 10,000 times a year. Does he ad anything to it that's worth talking about?? No facts, no sources, no logic. just a know nothing opinion. Believe it or not thisi s a sign of brain washing. It shows that his head has been loaded with this stuff so much that he has to spew it back.He's heard it over and over so he just has to repeat it. Does it prove anything? No of cousre not, it's not even relevant. He posted this on the Atheist propaganda post about Christians saying they want to kill athesits. This has nothing to do with it. It's one of those fall back things they do when hey have nothing in particular to say.

God is man made. God is a myth. Just like Zeus or Mythras. I'm an Atheist, yet I never go around saying I would love to kill someone or see someone dead because of their beliefs or lack of.
what does one thing have to do with another? Reciting the stupid contra that God is man made, with out proof and no backing is just not significant.

Some of you radical extremist christians do act just like the radical muslims. Only when Religion is removed from this planet, with all its lies and deceit, will we truly have PEACE ON EARTH. God is a fallacy created by man. There is no god, now get over it and enjoy your life.. One more thing, those who don't believe in evolution usually look like they haven't evolved.. =0)
this shows extreme stupidity, he doesn't even know who he's talking to. He hasn't bothered to figure out who I am or what I think or he would know that I'm a liberal and I don't accept inerrenacy and I don't see the Bible as infallible. If you don't believe that read my page on Biblical Revelation. Of cousre he's so naive he mythology means lie, on that page I argue that the creation story is mythology, the Bible does use mythology. That is not a bad thing. Of cousre the atheist brain washing has kept this guy ignorant of what mythology really is and what it means to use it. He assumes I don't believe in evolution so he's totally ignorant of Chrsitian thinkers.

In fact I'm willing to bet that I've put it on the line for atheism far more than he ever has. I was an atheist. The whole class at UT Arlington (Philosophy 101, my Freshman year) threaten to beat me up because I said I was an atheist. I faced them down and made a room full of football players back off, not by threatening to fight but just standing up for what I believed in. I bet this guy has never been in a situation like that.

He probalby became an atheist in high school because he had no group to belong to. Lonely, confused and in need of an identity, perhaps hurt by religious people or feeling rejected by them, poor self esteem and thus anger at God, he found some atheists who began to pay attention to him and made him feel improtant. I'm sure he will deny it but why else would he be so craving to be heart that he has to email me and let me know what a shit hole I am?

This is the kind of weak vulnerable stooge the atheist movement depends upon. This is the grass roots solider that Steffanelli is talking to. This is the stooge who is supposed to get worked up enough to do some kind of violence,and he's half way there because he's so loaded with the their slogans that he has to spew them back without thinking.

Their movement reminds me of a movie I saw once. Innocent sings sang by well meaning people who wouldn't hurt anyone.


Ross said...

Good stuff. I think you hit the nail on the head there with your dissection of that email.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

hey thanks Ross. I really appreciate those positive comments.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

hey Ross you like films? check out my film reviews on Metacrock's blog.

Jimmy Martello said...

I just say a prayer for people like the poor soul who felt the need to express such venom against faith in general and people of faith in particular.
May the God of love and mercy enlighten the darkness in all of us.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Josip Kuleš, I am going to post a longer answer and put it in the main blog spot for Saturday. tomorrow. Loot on the main page of the blog for my answer.

Strass said...

Hoo boy! *Facepalm* Sam is right, but there's no fixing 'Stupid', I don't know why he even bothered to try.

Now, let's see if his 'ploy' really works (I doubt it, but that'll just prove me right):

"I'll bet you won't dare to post this on your blog..."

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Hoo boy! *Facepalm* Sam is right, but there's no fixing 'Stupid', I don't know why he even bothered to try.

Now, let's see if his 'ploy' really works (I doubt it, but that'll just prove me right):

"I'll bet you won't dare to post this on your blog..."

well I did. I guess I win hu?

this is was a long time ago.

Strass said...

Nope, I win, you fell for my ploy!

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Unfortunately i can't say that it's stupid because I've used it myself.

:-) LOL