Ironically the person who said this is called "Captain Obvious."
no 3 their great scholarly attitudes
I'm not gonna bother reading the whole thing...
but lemme guess.. "Anomaly! See? God exists!"
Originally Posted by Metacrock to electric skeptics

Why? All you'll do is claim "that's not addressing it!".(that's becasue he hasn't actually discussed anything but how bad I am in several weeks)
Ben the Biased on CARM
to the cosmological argument:
Whoa, whoa! What "chain of dependent being we know?" I don't know of any such thing. I know of beings. I don't know that they form a chain, and I don't know that they're all dependent. Until this premise is established, the rest of the argument is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by catbarf (that's his screen name)another Jim from Captain ObviousI answered it several pages back.
Originally Posted by Metacrock![]()
CaptainObvious:Ya... this isn't about words! It's about feelings!Originally Posted by kcdad

I don't completely understand it duh, but it must be in my favor. What a classic! (read it, it's says he's wrong)
Originally Posted by Metacrock

I don't see a single thing in any of those that speaks of grounding axioms. If you think there is something, could you quote it?
Ben the Biased:
I don't see a single thing in any of those that speaks of grounding axioms. If you think there is something, could you quote it?
Ben the Baised again:
Actually, I did some googling of my own, and I think I may have done your work for you. Check this out...
Lawrence Vogel. First time I've ever seen anyone anywhere other than you speak of "grounding axioms." It doesn't make any more sense when he talks about it than it does when you do, but at least now I have to admit you're not the only one in the entire world who's ever talked about it. He also talks about "being itself." I'm guessing he's a hero of yours.
In other words he doesn't know what he's looking for so when it sees it he doesn't nkow it. I had eight examples of ethics's saying this but becuase they didn't say "metarock is right about grounding axioms" he couldn't figure out it was the same thing.
This idiot who calls himself Kanascity Dad calis to be an athist and a methodist. He knows nothign about methodism. Perkins is one of the major Methoidst schools it's word famous for beign liberal. He decided it can't be liberal I went there and im' a liar and I'm so stupid and eivl I must be lying to it must be conservative and I'm too stupid to know the difference. Hes' the one, the one who thinks all MEthodsts are atheits knows better what makes one liberal and one conservative. So how doese he do it? He decides to prove Perkins is conservtive by lookat their website and taking the first gernal statment.
The opening statement on its website...Of course he's so ignorant he thinks belief in calling is really wild and radically fundie as though no liberals believing in things like having a calling. It doesn't even occur to him to look at the things they sya or what they teach or what their doctrines or, much less the fact that if he's a Methodist he should know about it.
"God is leading you on a journey"
Is he really??? That is a very fundamentalist approach to searching for meaning in one's life.
"Whether your vocation is as pastor, educator, musician, youth leader, missionary, scholar, or committed layperson, the faculty and staff of Perkins will work with you to gather the resources—spiritual, intellectual and financial—that will enable you to answer your special calling."
Diest in response:
kcdad, a human being is what he thinks he is. If someone reads a book, like the bible, and believes what it is he reads, he will adopt those things he reads that resonate with him and his personality. This is why we have muslims flying planes into buidings. This is why we have nut cases saying we're going to burn in hell. We have a good amount of people who believe that they are called by "God" to do X. As we have seen, this calling can be someone like Hitler who some say he thought God wanted him to do what he did, or at the other end of the spectrum the nuns who help needy children. could be a Metacrock who thinks God has called him to spread his message. There have beenmany such people over the centuries who think they have a calling. That they BELIEVE they do is all it takes. there is nothing stronger than the power of a belief, nothing.
Originally Posted by Corsican View Post
You know what Meta, reading this thread actually kicked me into bothering to go to your blog. Having read most of it, I'm putting you on my ignore list. Your ideas seem reasonable a great deal of the time, your arguments are a great deal more coherent than many other folks over here, but you're just so downright ignorant and rude towards atheism that every time I read something you post, you just put me in a really bad mood. So sorry fella, I appreciate your effort and your arguments, but your attitude is so utterly appalling that I'm simply not going to put myself through reading your comments from now on.
this is a serious point. don't get hung up on thinking you have to answer insults to atheism before you understand what the point is.
We're just playing with you guys. There is a part in each of us nonbelievers that gets a kick out of watching believers attempt to explain what they claim to be unexplainable and to try to use logic and reason for ideas that are based in faith. There is no other place one can find such exquisite irony, its almost as if its a parody
He's so brilliant:
Me: "all religious language is analogical."
Him: You are speaking analogically.
Me: I know I just said I am
Him: that proves you are stupid becuase I know that and you don't.
Me: I just said it
Him: it's such an irony that you can't see that
Me: I can see it I just said it
Him: I know, that proves your stupid. I'm just joking now. I'm not really saying you are really stupid, even thou obviously you are. but I'm not saying it except when I am.
We enjoy watching so-called apologist trot out their complexly named "arguments" such as the Transcendental Argument For God and the Cosmological Argument, there are several versions of the Ontological Argument etc and still be unable to demonstrate God in a practical, independently verifiable way, the way all other truths are demonstrated.
which you do not understand and you have no concept about.
Its interesting to watch the way a person who considers themselves to be quite rational be confronted with a logical contradiction in their own beliefs, one they have ignored or missed. Usually they immediately suspend reason and logic rather than consider their position might be flawed.
yet when I ask you guys to say what the contradiction is you can't do it. I say "Name the fallacy" you don't name one. I say "what's the contradiction" If you say anything (usually don't) then I explain why it's not one you never answer it. you just come back a week latter and say "we proved you have a contradiction" I guess you figure in a week everyone's forgotten.
I just want to apologize on the behalf of all nonbelievers (yes, I am taking quite a liberty here!) for presenting problems and questions to you for which you have no real answers.
what a coward. he can't just come out and say "you are an idiot becasue XXX" he has to couch in this fake passive aggressive Bs. I'm not really saying you are stupid except when I say you are.
And also to thank you for providing so much entertainment.
This is about as clever as 8th grade gets. I thought of little jazzy remarks like this thought them cleaver and insightful in 8th grade. Now it's so juninule for an adult to actually think he's begin original and witty in gains something that anyone can thin to say as a child.
where's the seriousl point? O don't have one.I just thought I would do the same thing he's doing.
Hey I'm just joking man! I am not really insulting you, just because you coward and *******. I am not really saying that. even though you are, but I'm just being funny.
I'm just funn'n ya, a buffoon like you surely can appreciate that.
In response to my argument that scinece is not the only from of knowledge:

OK, let's just believe anything.
Maybe "you" are really a chihuahua riding in the cockpit of a huge thought-controlled robot at the center of the moon, who remotely operates slave human bodies such as "Metacrock" to do its bidding.
Maybe the chihuahua controls all religious people.
You can't prove it isn't true, any more than I can prove that other minds exist.
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