Monday, December 28, 2009

Swift responds to the accuzation of false data

This is the prison things. The argument that Christians are more likely to got prison than atheists. They guy who put up that site responds:


December 23, 2009 4:56 PM
Blogger Rod Swift said...

As *the* Rod Swift who gathered the data I can verify that has completely misrepresented the data that was presented to me by the US Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The fact is that, yes, the data table provided contained an 'unknown' factor. This is because some prisons do not survey prisoners for data about religion. This is why the original table excluded these individuals.

The data is valid, and has been statistically emulated by surveys of prisoners in other nations -- like the UK -- which found the rate of offence for atheists is far lower than that of other groups.

My response to him:

December 28, 2009 6:46 AM
Blogger Metacrock said...

I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and not accuse you of lying. I withdraw (conditionally) my accusation. you may be mistaken. you may be lying, I will find out. But in the mean time I'll accept your statement that you are blameless. is not a Christian apologetic site. they have no real motive for saying that. They have professional demographers so it's not likely they made the mistake. I will try to contact them and get to the bottom of it.

In all fairness to you I will put this on the website.

I want to be fair and seek the truth. I know the accusation that Christians are more likely to go to prison is idiotic. I notice he doesn't respond to any other arguments such as the parole argument or the sociologists saying that his methodology sux. In fairness to him its his word against I'm going to check into it. There are four possiblities

(1) he's lying (since he says he's not I'll suspend that suspicion--innocent until proved guilty and all that)

(2) He is mistaken, so his data in error for some reason but he didn't intentionally deceive.

(3)he's right and his data is right

(4) both sets of data of data are wrong.

We shall see.


Rex said...

Why do any research?

Just do what your fellow gawd teamer does with this debate. Just state that all prisoners are not following biblical teachings,(hence the prison sentence) and thus are godless!

That way, you can classify all prisoners as godless, and no further effort required. Seems right up your alley, since you know, you are BOTH illogical, deluded idiots.

His insanity can be found here:

Have fun in the rubber room together!

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

see what liars atheists are? He can't restrain himself from insulting. He can't just say "well maybe the facts are important." If you challenge the sacred little facts that support his perversion (what ever it is) he get's real irate. Its' more important that his conscience be freed from an angry God that it is to tell the truth.

And again, look how they totally ignore the parole argument! they just have to believe that Christians really all jailbirds. Its' so idiotic.

lame stupid liars who can't reason and don't care about truth.

D.L. Folken said...

I have personally worked in the jails. There are some cultural Christians there; however, most everyone I met did not claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

I have personally worked in the jails. There are some cultural Christians there; however, most everyone I met did not claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

ah ha! so that proves Christians are more likely to go to jail, you admit you've gone! ;-) (Joke)

Anonymous said...

Just what I was saying all along; it is an error to equate the "no answer" category with "probably atheist".

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Just what I was saying all along; it is an error to equate the "no answer" category with "probably atheist".

January 7, 2010 2:59 PM

More hypocrisy. Atheists just really can't think fairly can they?

define atheist, what is an atheist?

Atheists: someone who does not beileve in God.

so what category do you check when you don't have believe in God? you check what they have don't you?

they have "other" you check you "other."

they have "no religion" you check no religion.

Anonymous said...

"what category do you check when you don't have believe in God? you check what they have don't you?

they have "other" you check you "other."

they have "no religion" you check no religion."

There are a number of problems with this: First of all, large parts of the "unknown/did not answer" category are unknown in this case because not all prisons provided data, so there were no boxes being checked by anyone; the status of those prisoners is literally unknown.

And talk about hypocrisy; your the one who argues loud and long in other discussions that in polls of the general population people who answer "no religion" or "no affiliation" or similar constructions are not definitively atheists because they didn't use the word "atheist" to describe themselves. abut when it comes to criminals in prison you turn that on it's head and argue the opposite.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

what category do you check when you don't have believe in God? you check what they have don't you?

they have "other" you check you "other."

they have "no religion" you check no religion."

There are a number of problems with this: First of all, large parts of the "unknown/did not answer" category are unknown in this case because not all prisons provided data, so there were no boxes being checked by anyone; the status of those prisoners is literally unknown.

And talk about hypocrisy; your the one who argues loud and long in other discussions that in polls of the general population people who answer "no religion" or "no affiliation" or similar constructions are not definitively atheists because they didn't use the word "atheist" to describe themselves. abut when it comes to criminals in prison you turn that on it's head and argue the opposite.

of cousre you don't think there's a problem with fabricating the stats? If it's that hard to know who is a Christain then you cant' say Christanity casues crime can you?

It's simple. so simple even you can figure it. you don'thave a religion you say none an dyou don't make up stats. ok? do you understand now?

little lyi[ng atheist shit holes made up the fictures you get it?
you are a hate group and liar.

you say anyone who says hes X is X there's no ifs ands for buts. so therefore all the athesits who lie and make up numbers are typical of all atheists right?

Anonymous said...

"of cousre you don't think there's a problem with fabricating the stats?"

Actually it appears to be Adherents .com who fiddled with the numbers here; lumping the "no answers" in with the atheists...

"It's simple. so simple even you can figure it. you don'thave a religion you say none an dyou don't make up stats. ok? do you understand now?"

I thought you said you said you knew something about social research? Since when do you get to assign people to discrete category of your choice when they answer "no opinion"? And "no religion" doesn't necessarily mean "atheist" does it? If it does then you'll have to revise your opinion about how many atheists there actually are in the world...

"little lyi[ng atheist shit holes made up the fictures you get it?
you are a hate group and liar."

What was that for? You wouldn't be trying to bait me into an angry response so you can justify banning me again, are you? Shame on you...;-)

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

what are you insane? are you really that stupid. what a fool! adherents (which is not Christians and has no motive to lie) said the numbers sent to them differed from those sent to the other guy How in the name of Gdo an you possilbiy conclude they placed with it? to say maybe THEY did is one thins. to say It looks like they didhow can it possibility look like they did?

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

this shows how totally dishonest atheists are. they show 0 concern that the guy fabricate the numbers. They can't get out of it when you call them on it they are so animate that the atheist could never be wrong they are wiling to immune a totally respected organization which has no religious motive rather than admit that an atheist screwed up.

Anonymous said... appears to have erroneously added together a large number of no-responses to the non-theist category.

And I have to wonder about the ideological biases at work at adherents when they cite numbers from the loony conspiracy theorists at World Net Daily and push the bogus idea that gays are more likely to be pedophiles...

But any way you look at these numbers though it's clear that being an atheist doesn't correlate with a greater likelihood of being in prison; so the oft heard Christian charge that being atheist leaves one with no reason to not rob and murder people is plainly untrue...which was Swift's whole point to begin with.

As usual when an atheist tries to counter the lies and slander of Christians he gets accused of being a liar himself.