Monday, December 7, 2009

Stupdiity of hate groups shows itself

here's a typical comment by a Dawkie that shows how ignorant they are. This comments shows they are really ignorant of the things they criticize, they don't know what a fundamentalist is they don't know what a liberal is. Little Dawkie named "Rex" says:

I am happy to read your blog for a couple of reasons. One is that, your blog lets me see how the bible thumpers roll, and as if that isn't funny enough, I get to see just how screwed up and flawed your logic always is. Maybe you should spend more time thinking about cause and effect and less about gawd, because...... dude, you're scaring the normals!
Where's the logic? I have 300 studies that say Religion is not adddiction or mental illness and that it's better for your head tahn unbelief. What logic would take these guys hate as evidence over 300 scientific studies? But I'm the one with the bad logic. They have not one single study, their idiotic foolishness about Religion being addictive is based upon flimsy arguments such as Pot leads to Heroine kind of logic of Jack Webb in Dragnet yet I'm the one with the b ad logic. He does absolutely nothing to show how any of my logic is bad. So these uneducated hicks "logic" is just another word like "cool" and "your logic is flawed" is just more name calling like "get a life." It's just something to say in place of "boo you I don't like you."

He says he wants to see how Bible thumpers "roll" (I buy machine rolled actually) he thinks I'm a fundamentalist. Anyone with half a brain would naturally try to check out the website of someone they pick a fight with. Had he looked at my site he would see articles about why I don't believe in hell, how God is working in all religions, I don't believe in the inerrancy of the bible. Of course these ideas mean nothing to him becuase he's so uneducated and unread that he doesn't' know the difference in a liberal or a fundamentalist, he doesn't know that a bible thumper is a fundie and he doesn't know a fundie form a whole in the ground. All he knows is that it makes him feel cool and powerful to insult and put people down and to mock and ridicule things that certain people like, that makes him feel good, its' a rush (like a drug). Atheist trolling is an addiction that's why know nothings keep doing it. So the atheist movement has filtered down to the lowest common denominator where it is nothing more than trolls having fun on the net. An atheist on the rationalism blog (see post on "god hates you guy has found this") says: "I’ve been blogging on atheism for years. The number one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how easy it is to get a rise out of the religious by reading their own words back to them." Yes, isn't that the definition of troll? Doing things to get a rise?

There is no reason to take atheism seriously. It's not a major tend in human thought, it's not a cultural mover or shaker, it's just a hate group, it's a tendency of a hand of intellectuals who have no real influence because the people in their movement are too uneducated to know why they are important.

But the best part I like about reading your blog is that if you are the best thinker that the gawd team has to offer, then the infidels should be able to make short work of changing the things about society that we find offensive.
You are right about me being the best, of corse you are far too stupid and uneducated to understand anything I say. If I was Enstine you would be saying the thing. You say that to Goethe or Kant or Hume or anyone because you are so uneducated you don't even know what makes a liberal or a fundie, you know absolutely nothing about the world of thought. I'm real concerned with this guy's appraisal of my logic. This is the genius who thinks argument from sign proves causality. Look at the flimsy child stupid argument for religion being addiction; drugs addicts get angry when you call them names and so do religious people." Here's an actual "reason" why the "God hates you guy" thinks religion is addcition: "4. Drug addicts often show signs of schizophrenic and delusional behavior, including talking to themselves. How is this different to prayer?" This is so brilliant. I said in that article we have 12 studies that show that religion is not mental illness. So to link prayer to mental illness on the pretense that "they both deal with talking to people who aren't there" (Never mind the reasons why would might do this could be totally different--never mind that neither case invovles actually knowing "no one is there") they have no data and no studies to back up that that's all prayer is, or to link belief to mental illness, 12 studies disprove t no study backs it up. Yet despite this total durth of evidence he is still staunchly convinced that that's what's going on.The logic he displays is a combination of argument from sign and argument from analogy (both fallacies). I'm real worried that these non thinking idiots think my loigc is bad. For these guys "bad logic" amounts to "I don't like you."

Suggestion: Be nice or all of your gawd outlets will be taxed just like every other business.

They always think they are going push the majority around. their little 3% is going to run rough shod over our 90%. Bring it man. let's go. lets barricades and get our guns and go at each other. I'll tell you what, just to be fair we will only use 10% of our guys we still outnumber you by a huge margin. Who are you going to push around when you are not on a message board? If the atheist thing doesn't work out will you shave your head and start beating up blacks and Jews?


Loren said...

Metacrock, I notice that you state that you don't believe in hell.

You realize, don't you, that you are implying that all the millions upon millions of hell-believers are sadly deluded. In fact, in the Middle Ages, the theologians would likely have decided that you deserve a good sendoff to there, one with lots of what hell has.

As to Biblical errancy, why not describe some of what you consider errancy in the Bible? It'll be harder to mistake you for an inerrantist that way.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

You realize, don't you, that you are implying that all the millions upon millions of hell-believers are sadly deluded. In fact, in the Middle Ages, the theologians would likely have decided that you deserve a good sendoff to there, one with lots of what hell has.

Meta: No that's wrong. You see, we who are not brain washed minions of a hate group do not think that anyone who disagrees with us is automatically "deluded."

you don't know what theologians would have thought because you don't know anything about theoloyg.

what theologians would have thought a thousand years ago is irrelevant.

As to Biblical errancy, why not describe some of what you consider errancy in the Bible? It'll be harder to mistake you for an inerrantist that way.

Meta: Because the bible is not errant. If it's purpose is not to be a science text book than scientific inaccuracy is not "error." Science is not its goal. That's a loaded term, you are trying get me to accept the terminology of the the hate group.

you know what you are doing rhetorically.