apologist confronts atheist on message board
on carm they were discussing the imbecilic atheist idea that Christain can't accept losing God arguments. I recalled a time years ago when I got an open minded atheist (yes,one of the few) to huge a tournament and the theists cleaned house on the atheists.
Originally Posted by Metacrock
Can you explain how this is possible when there is no Department of Philosophy at the University of Swansea..?
University of Swansea
The University of Swansea, in Wales, actually only offers two interdisciplinary undergrdauate degrees remotely having to do with philosophy, called Philosophy, Politics, and Law (PPL); and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE). PPL is an interdisciplinary BA program designed for both liberal arts and students interested in law. PPE is an interdisciplinary BA program designed for both liberal arts and students interested in economics. Academic staff from the Department of Political and Cultural Studies and the Departments of Economics/Law deliver the PPE and PPL programs, respectively. There is no Philosophy Department at the University of Swansea.
mat hunt post 8 on thread
Having did a bit of googling, there is no Ian Laite at Swansea university, the name Ian Laite does exists and it is linked to someone who is an atheist. I think that we have shown that meta has lied...notice this college graduate says "saving did ab bit of goggling" I guess he spent so much time in scinece he just didn't learn any grammar.
post 9 KCDad says:
Meta is making stuff up again?
that's a favorite tactic fo McCarthy, red baiters, KKK and other flakes and atheists to add "again" as though It' just so standard. I've so well known as a liar I've caught making stuff up so many times.
So looked at Sawnsea, since I knew I was right and said this:
you guys are such bad researchers. You looked that up hoping to prove I'm a liar and in fact I have proved that you can't research.
This is the entire that I made, nothing has been taken out. I gave no reason why I quoted it. I just quoted it. That way they had to make their own stupuid conjectures,and stupid they were:
The Vice Chancellor
University of Wales, Swansea
Singleton Park, Swansea. SA2 8PP
copy to
Mrs Anne Edwards, Secretary
Dept of Philosophy
Edgeway Books
The Stonehouse
Bishopstone HR4 7JE
Dear Professor Davies,
I am told that the Swansea Philosophy Department is to be closed.
Philosophy is the heart of any university and how any institution can
call itself a university without philosophy I can hardly imagine. As it
happens, over the last half century or so the Swansea department has
been very distinguished, the only department in the Swansea arts
faculty to rise far above the ordinary provincial university level. I
report this not only as common knowledge but as a judgement I was
well placed to make for more than thirty years, having had numbers
of friends in that department from Rush Rhees and Peter Winch
onwards, and having for years worked in a department that had a
specially designed joint honours degree with Philosophy, which
numbers of graduates would say was a genuine university education.
The closure of the department cannot fail to signal that University
of Wales Swansea is, as the newspapers say, dumbing itself down;
and when the better sixth-form teachers realise what has happened
this cannot fail to have an adverse impact on the quality of student
applications to the surviving departments.
yours sincerely
read the whole doc you see it had not yet happened by 2004 but apparently has since. I knew Ian ("Socrates") around 98-2000.
I purposely didn't comment on what the quote proved, because I wanted to show that they can't draw obviosu conlucions. what conclusion do they draw? that because the guy's name is Ian that I'm trying to say he's the same guy> Now they have to think I'm pretty stupid to think that Robinson can pass for Laite. Why would I do that? It's a really ditsy thing to think so because they think it they are sold on it.
I said in two other posts he was not a full professor and that the was a graduate student, why would he be the senior lecturer as that guy is.
after they tried to intermittent that as saying this is him.
that doesn't' prove he was Ian Laite. Ian that i knew was not senior lecturer he was a graduate student who taught as an instructor.
of course they dredge that up again after I corrected them as though the correction never took place.
post 20 by KCDad
Originally Posted by Metacrock
You tried to pass off some anonymous letter that you didn't know was signed by a former Professor as being written by "a friend".that is a total absolute lie. I never said anything about the person writing that letter being Ian Laite. I quoted it because it disproved his assertion that Swansea never had a philosophy department.
MFFJM2 post no 10
Meta, please note that I never suggested you were lying. I simply asked how it was possible for someone from a Philosophy Department that doesn't now exist to write that you're the greatest debater since Socrates. You've provided the explanation that the Philosophy Department had been removed from the University of Swansea some years ago, and this person "from the University of Swansea" was really just a graduate assistant. Well, that explains it then.
So a graduate assistant, (in a Philosophy Department, from a University in Wales, that has since removed the entire department from the curriculum), who at the time he wrote you had no advanced degree, was so impressed with your debating ability (this was apparently discovered on line, right..?) wrote and told you that you were the greatest thing in debate since sliced bread. Well, now I see why you wanted to share those kudos with the rest of us. Very impressive.
Wait a minute did say he had an advancd degree? Of course if he was a Ph.D. candidate he had a Masters degree. That's not what my post said. It's quoted at the top it just calles him:Ian Laite form U. of Swansea philosophy department. It didn't say he taught, didn't he had a degree or untying. I think he did teach, I taught as a graduate student. I had an adavnced degree but not a Ph.D. The whopping lie is here:
wrote and told you that you were the greatest thing in debate since sliced bread.
I never even vegly implied that. I merely said that judged the debates and the theists all won.
They are lying little shit holes, they are not decent people, they no morality becasue they sold their sold and turned their backs on god. They are willing to lie and ruin reputations and do anyting it takes, to hurt religoius people and destroy religion. How much longer shall we all these ignorant uneducated savages to push us around? they are so brain washed by thier ideology they have no respect for truth of any kind. Its' all just they can get if people get hurt that's ok as long the ideology prevails.
Greetings everyone. May I be of some help. Sadly, I am not above googling myself, and today discovered that I am the subject of some dispute involving Metacrock and some debates I was party to some years ago.
If I can be of any assitance in the settling of any matter, I would be more than pleased to help.
If you wish me to validate my identity, I could do so over my rather underused twitter account.
Yours humbly,
Ian Laite
Man how did you get wind of this? It's great to hear from you again. I doubt that they would believe you are really you.
In fact I don't know that you are.
do you remember argument you helped me come up with that I am using today as one of my major arguments? It involved free will.
do you remember what board we meton and what screen name I used?
If that's really you man I would like to talk to you again.
Ha, yes it really is me Joe. I have just tweeted a comment on my twitter site - which as anyone can see was set up a good while ago, not just to prove validity for the purpose of settling a dispute.
Now then, originally, if my memory serves me well, we met at the very first on a board which was not one of your own and you were using the screen name - the master.
Was this right?
As for the detailo of any argument about free will, I'm afraid my memory is not that good. It was a very long time ago - must be around 10 years or so now.
Great to hear from you. Forgive my aestheticism but these people I'm fighting will stop at nothing to get me becuase they are vicious ideologues.
I would love to talk to you in private email. I don't have twitter. Please email me at Metacrock@aol.com.
Nice picture there Joe...
"apologist confronts atheist on message board"
The apologist would be the guy with the BIG CROSS on his uniform, right?
See this is the kind of thing I'm always after you about; you have a disagreement with one or two individuals (and I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested in all the messy details of who said what or "HE STARTED IT MOMMY" pleading) and you turn around and use it as an excuse to smear ALL of us with offensive pictures and gross generalizations.
Grow up.
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